Enjoying the Journey

Tuesday May 14, 2019
Watching God at Work
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
We continue our look at the closing verses of this book, especially the powerful phrase "the Lord working with them." What a privilege to be part of God's work in this world and to see Him working through us!

Monday May 13, 2019
God's Construction Crew
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
It is one thing to work and quite another to work on God's construction crew! As we discover God's purpose and connect our lives to that we become part of the greatest work in the world. Today we begin to examine how we can see the Lord at work.

Friday May 10, 2019

Thursday May 09, 2019
What Size Church Does Christ Use?
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Our generation is mesmerized by mega-churches. But The power of a small church, the power of a large church, the power of any church is in Who it belongs to! Not buildings, resources, or crowds. Christ alone. Look at the first church...

Wednesday May 08, 2019
Unbelieving Believers
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
How can we tell others to believe on Christ if we are not ourselves living the life of faith? Refuse to live today in unbelief in any area of your life. "Have faith in God."

Tuesday May 07, 2019
The First Sunday Meeting
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Christians recognize Sunday as the Lord's Day. The first day of the week is a reminder of the resurrection of Christ! Learn the principles of the first resurrection Sunday and you will find truth that will help you every day.

Monday May 06, 2019
Secret Disciples
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
Two men who were "secret disciples" of Christ ended up being two of the most bold. What made the difference? Calvary. Jesus Christ was not ashamed of us and we should not be ashamed to be identified with Him!

Friday May 03, 2019
At the Cross
Friday May 03, 2019
Friday May 03, 2019
The whole world was changed at the cross. Individual lives are transformed at the cross. Come to the cross today and get a fresh glimpse of what Christ did for you there.

Thursday May 02, 2019
Dying Words
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
The dying words of any man are significant - how much more the dying words of the God-Man! Christ's dying words were words of life. Listen carefully and you will hear Him talking about you.

Wednesday May 01, 2019
I Am Barabbas
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Have you ever seen yourself in the criminal who went free? Barabbas is a picture of those who are pardoned because of the substitutionary death of Christ. God help us all to realize who we are and rejoice in who He is!